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Lucy & Audrey

by Rachel Gaetz

June 2019 is the month I never took of my newborn photographer hat, averaging one newborn session per week... And I've loved every minute of it. I keep going back and forth about narrowing down my services just to streamline my life a little,  but... I...just...can't. Because baby cheeks. And baby feet. And widdle fingers and cute noses that I just want to boop with my finger. And I get to hold brand new babies... so I think I'm going to keep newborn photos on the menu since y'all keep requesting them!

We also got some sibling/ sister shots too with big sister Audrey (whom I also took newborn photos of three years ago!)

We rounded out the session with taking some three-year photos of Audrey. I'm excited to see these little ladies grow up together. I think sisterhood is one of the most dramatic, precious, and wonderful things in this world and I love  that these girls have  a lifetime of adventures ahead of them.

Thank you so much to Tasha and Ryan to take photos of your wonderful little girls (andddd… for letting me bring my own kids along too!) I consider it an honor!

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I’m Rachel Gaetz
I’m Rachel Gaetz and I am a creative portrait photographer in the Twin Cities. I am also a busy mom of four and can often be spotted with a coffee in hand, a big messy bun on my head, and a baby on my hip. My goal is to create images that YOU will be obsessed with -- pictures you will be eager to post today as well as cherish decades from now. My business BelleAmiss Photography strives to take the stress out of photo sessions while capturing life's beautiful imperfections. You will leave feeling great about YOU and your photo experience.
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